Rangel me this…

How many US Senators does it take to destroy the US Constitution?

It’s a shame and embarrassing that our government has become so corrupt and vile. Most God fearing and honest people want very little or nothing to do with it. That includes the entire electoral process that has been so corrupted it’s nothing more than a sham. The fear alone of guilt by association with criminals, con-men , cons and shysters is enough to discourage all but the most valiant Christians from wanting to serve. If not the stench of it all. Having to live and work around a horde of greedy, selfish, arrogant and self centered morons. Who on earth elects such trash to represent them in the first place? Doesn’t say a whole lot for liberal democrats, does it? And who knows what the so called independents were thinking?  I have never understood how an con gets re-elected, let alone how he got elected in the first place. It sure is pathetic and sad that liberals have no standards at all. They are all just so progressive.

~ by executivechaos on August 24, 2010.

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